Why all teachers need A Mentor

In school teachers often speak about students’ needing someone to look up to and perhaps learning from the older students, but the same can be applied to teachers. Having a mentor can really help teachers improve and learn. Teaching can be looked at as an art with a steep learning curve, and there are many different problems and difficulties they may face, and that’s why turning to a mentor can be ideal.


Every teacher is different, and because of this they will have a different individual to look up to, and that person should ideally be someone with the same principles and perhaps a similar teaching style. Many people, no matter what career they are in, will need someone to rely and depend on, and because of the difficulties that can arise in teaching, a mentor is a must.

A mentor doesn’t necessarily have to be someone who is training you, they merely have to be someone you respect and can learn from. If you feel that there is a teacher in your school that ticks these boxes then consider using their experience and improving your own teaching skillset and responsibilities.